Friday, December 10, 2021


 If your website traffic comes mostly as a result of a Google search, search engine optimization (SEO) should be at the top of your list of digital actions.

The reality is that you will not be able to generate leads for your company if no one can find your business in search engines.

Today we want to help you make your website visible to your potential customers and internet users.

5 SEO tricks to generate traffic to your website

1. Optimize the speed of your website pages.

Have you ever clicked on a page that took years to load?

If you're like us, you probably clicked the back button and tried your luck elsewhere.

In 2010, Google said that page speed is a ranking factor. With mobile indexing first, page speed has become even more important.

So yeah, slow pages are bad for business and SEO. To check the speed of your website, you can use Google's PageSpeed ​​Insights tool (it's free!)

Some tips that you can implement to improve the speed of your page:

Reduce the size of your images If you are a WordPress user , you can install a plugin called ShortPixel that will automatically compress your uploaded images without compromising their quality.

Enable browser caching. Use a plugin like W3 Total Cache to enable caching easily. This allows your users to load your page without sending another HTTP request to their server on their second visit.

2. Optimize your images

Images are great for your website, but you need to make sure they are optimized correctly if you want these images to improve your SEO ranking.

Factors such as file format and size can affect your SEO optimization. Huge images can slow down your page load time, hurting your ranking. We recommend resizing or compressing your images to optimize them.

Another way to improve your images is to use keywords and achieve position with them.   

For example, let's say you have a website that sells bath products.

Instead of naming an image "shampoo1", you could name it "best shampoo for long hair."

You can also strategically use keywords in the title and description of your image.

3. Divide your content with titles or headings

Titles or headings are another way to help improve the user experience on your website.

They divide the content and make it easier to read or browse. Also, titles make everything look more attractive, which is always beneficial.

If your website is just a wall of text, it will discourage people from spending too much time on it. As a result, your SEO ranking will suffer.

5 SEO tricks to generate traffic to your website

4. Add more than text

The content of your website should not be just written words.

Images are great too, but there is more you can add to improve your SEO ranking.

Consider adding other media like videos, slideshows, or audio to your site. 

All of this can help improve the user experience. Why? For starters, consumers want to see more videos. This 2021 one of the digital trends is video. 

It is much easier to see something than to read about it, so there is a direct correlation between the videos and other multimedia sources on your website and your SEO ranking.

These features can dramatically improve the amount of time someone spends on your website. Depending on the length of your videos, people could be on your page for several minutes. 

If that happens, it will definitely increase your search ranking.

5. Optimize your site for mobile devices

We have already said it several times on our blog, but it never hurts to repeat it. The use of mobile devices is on the rise.

It is increasing so fast that it has actually overtaken computers and handheld devices.

In fact, more than 60% of searches on Google come from mobile devices.

Obviously, Google recognizes this and ranks sites accordingly. Your website must be optimized for mobile users. There is no way around this.

If your site is not optimized, it will hamper the user experience and negatively affect your ranking.

To end

Search engine optimization is not just a fad that will soon be over. It's something your website should focus on now and in the future as well.

If you are just starting to focus on SEO, it is not too late to implement the strategies you just read. 

Don't get overwhelmed. Start with these five tips and then you can continue with the others   to continue improving your website and your SEO positioning.

Another tip we give you is to check your results. Checking your traffic and search ranking will help validate your SEO strategy.


  If your website traffic comes mostly as a result of a Google search, search engine optimization (SEO) should be at the top of your list of...